Aim, Scope, Legal Basis, Definitions
The aim of this Directive is to determine the establishment and working principles of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, operating within Yeditepe University.
This Directive covers the provisions regarding the formation, duties, and ways of work of Yeditepe University’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Legal Basis
This Directive is based on Article 13 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
ARTICLE 4 (1) The following definitions are used herein with the corresponding definitions:
a) Committee: Yeditepe University Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee,
b) Chairperson: Chairperson of the Committee
c) Board of Trustees: Yeditepe University Board of Trustees,
d) Rector: Rector of Yeditepe University,
e) University: Yeditepe University
f) Sub-Committees: Subcommittees established within the committee.
g) Working groups: Temporary working groups, established within the Committee when necessary.
Constitution, Aim, Objectives and Duties of the Committee
Constitution of the Committee
(1) Initiative Board: Initiative Board of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee consists of the following members appointed by the Rector: 1 member appointed from among the Vice Rectors; 5 members from among academicians with academic studies on the topic; 3 members from among administrative staff, who are qualified to contribute to the work of the Committee.
(2) Designation of Representatives: The Initiative Board elects a chairperson among themselves during the first meeting. The chairperson and Vice Rector undertake initiatives to ensure the representation of academic units in the works of the committee. For this purpose, Deans are contacted to designate a representative, who that can contribute to the work of the committee from each academic unit.
The Student Council also elects a representative to participate in the work of the Committee. Determined representatives are submitted to the approval of the Rector to be appointed as a member of the Committee.
(3) Once all representatives are appointed, The Chairperson invites the members of the Committee to a meeting. At the first meeting, decisions regarding the establishment of subcommittees and working groups are made.
(4) The term of office for all Committee members is three years. Members can be reappointed, or another member can be appointed instead following the expiration of term.
Objectives and Duties of the Committee
The objectives and goals of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee are as follows:
(1) To raise awareness and consciousness about underrepresented, disadvantaged and vulnerable (unprotected) groups within the framework of equity and inclusion.
(2) To create policies, strategic texts and practices by centring an approach of equity and inclusion.
(3) To generate an institutional atmosphere with equity and inclusion at the core in all activities of the university, especially in research and teaching and learning
(4) To ensure coordination with all units and employees of the university working on equity, diversity, and inclusion; to establish a communication network with national and international organizations, operating in this field.
(5) To form sub-committees and, when necessary, working groups to work in line with the aims and objectives of the Committee.
Duties and Working Methods of the Committee
Duties and ways of work of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee are listed below:
(1) To conduct and support teaching and learning activities, research, scientific studies, meetings, conferences, projects, and similar undertakings.
(2) To prepare an equity, diversity, and inclusion plan for the university; to work towards its implementation and to monitor the progress of practical work.
(3) To create policies for the realization of equity and inclusion in teaching and learning and to work towards its implementation and to monitor the progress.
(4) To work with internal and external stakeholders of the University to monitor and continuously improve equity, diversity, and inclusion practices throughout staff recruitment and retention, student recruitment and retention, curriculum and course design and development, personal development trainings, skill-building and skill improvement sessions, social activities on campus and community engagement.
(5) To conduct research, collect and analyze data and publish annual reports covering all components of the University to establish a holistic strategic approach on equity, diversity and inclusion.
(6) To set goals and targets to prevent all kinds of discrimination regarding the essential duties and responsibilities of the university in management and leadership, teaching and learning, research, and community engagement, and to define and follow performance indicators in order to ensure the fulfilment of these targets.
Subcommittees and their duties
Two subcommittees have been established to function under the Committee: The Gender Equality Subcommittee and the Sexual Harassment and Bullying Prevention Subcommittee.
(1) Duties and working methods of the Sub-committee on Gender Equality are as follows:
(a) To enhance sensitivity and raise awareness on gender equality.
(b) To plan interdisciplinary studies in the field of gender, to produce projects that will guide institutional change in ensuring gender mainstreaming and contribute to social change.
(c) To support efforts that aim to eliminate gender-based oppression, discrimination and inequality.
(d) To prepare the gender equality action plan of the university, to work towards its implementation and to monitor its progress.
(e) To support gender mainstreaming in the University by managing the subcommittee’s activities in a way that ensures specialization and institutionalization.
(f) To support university-wide operations on teaching and learning, research and community engagement in activities regarding gender equality.
(g) To encourage gender equality as a subject field for graduate research endeavours and dissertations.
(h) To regularly monitor and archive the results of the university's gender equality policy by compiling statistical data and using other working methods, and to prepare reports to be submitted to authorized units for measures to be taken.
(2) Duties and working methods of the Subcommittee on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Bullying are:
(a) To enhance sensitivity and raise awareness on the prevention of sexual harassment and bullying.
(b) To provide support in terms of sexual harassment and bullying to students, full-time and part-time academic staff, and administrative staff working at Yeditepe University and its affiliated units.
(c) To perform the necessary informative work for the protection of the rights of persons, who have been subjected to gender-based discrimination, harassment or assault within the university or within the framework of university’s activities, to establish easily accessible reporting mechanisms for the harassed/assaulted and to propose recommendations to authorized units for taking other effective measures.
(d) To define the submissions, complaints, investigations, and solution processes regarding sexual harassment and bullying and to follow-up practices.
(e) To work in cooperation with the Legal Counsel, Student Centre, Student Council and/or Yeditepe University Psychotherapy and Education Centre (YÜPEM) and Psychological Counselling and Guidance Service (YURES) and to get expert support when necessary.
Final Provisions