Yeditepe University has been carrying on the studies of Bologna Coordination Commission in the framework of national and international competence.
Accordingly, as a result of the studies that have been conducted in our university since 2006, in 2012, the efficacy of all existing programs was determined in consideration of occupational and current standards provided by NQF-HETR. The correspondence between these standards and the learning outcomes of the courses led to a more planned and quality education.
Course schedules for all programs were prepared in pursuance of being scientific, in collaboration and transparent in education, and published on websites of the faculties.
Similar studies with regard to international standards are being carried on within the framework of scientific, dynamic and reformist notion of our university.
The Diploma Supplement (DS) accompanies a higher education diploma, providing a standardized description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by its holder. Diploma Supplement is a supplementary document attached to the diploma, designed to exhibit the information about diploma and degrees of high education systems in Europe in a comprehensive format, thus reinforcing the international transparency. It facilitates international academic and occupational recognition of diplomas for institutions and corporations.
New qualifications proliferate worldwide and countries are constantly changing their qualification systems and educational structures. With an increasing number of mobile citizens seeking fair recognition of their qualifications outside their home countries.
The Diploma Supplement promotes transparency in higher education and fair and informed judgements about qualifications.The supplement is designed as an aid to help recognition – it is not a CV or a substitute for the original qualification, and it does not guarantee recognition.
The Diploma Supplement is issued to all graduates of Yeditepe University automatically, free of charge and in English.
Diploma Supplement Sample Copy (First Cycle)
Diploma Supplement Sample Copy (Second Cycle)
Diploma Supplement Sample Copy (Third Cycle)