Yeditepe University Directorate of Student Registration Procedures is the unit that supports and serves students throughout their entire education life, starting from the registration and admission process, within the framework of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and the Regulations and Directives prepared on the basis of the relevant law. Our Directorate serves on the ground floor of the Rectorate building between 08.30-17.45 on weekdays.
There are 13 Faculties, 1 College, 1 Vocational School, and 7 Institutes within our university. All undergraduate and graduate student procedures are carried out by our Directorate.
The Directorate of Student Registration Procedures is the unit where all kinds of records and personal files related to students are kept, student transactions are carried out in accordance with the relevant legislation, academic and administrative information and documents requested by units or institutions are prepared and submitted, and these information and documents are kept in the institutional archive.
The mission of our Directorate is to ensure effectiveness, continuity, efficiency, and satisfaction in services and processes. In addition, it is to provide accurate, fast, and up-to-date information to internal and external stakeholders, taking into account changing needs.
Our Directorate works primarily under the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs within the Rectorate and under the Secretary General's Office in administrative functioning. Our Directorate continues its services with its expert and devoted staff.