R.T. Yeditepe University
Guidelines Regarding Students Exceeding Maximum Period of Study
Reresmi yazı
(a) Noverint of the Council of Higher Education dated 13 March 2019 and numbered 75850160-
(b) Noverint of the Council of Higher Education dated 12 March 2021 and numbered E-75850160-
(c) Noverint of the Council of Higher Education dated 18 May 2021 and numbered E-75850160-
(d) Noverint of the Council of Higher Education dated 20 May 2021 and numbered E-75850160- sayılı yazısı
1. Based on the foundations provided below from the Announcement Regarding the Maximum Period of Study of Students Registered to Yeditepe University Undergraduate Programs
guidelines regarding the registration categories are provided in the table below.
Registration Categories | Guidelines Regarding Maximum Period of Study |
Student Selection and Placement System ÖSYS | Year of placement by ÖSYS is considered. |
Foreign Student Registration | The year of the first registration is considered. |
Vertical Transfer Exam into Bachelor’s Degree Programs for Vocational School and Remote Education Associate Degree Program Graduates (DGS) | The year of vertical transfer is considered without considering the adaptation period. |
Double Major Programs | The major period of study for a student is the maximum period for the relevant program. For the second major, the maximum period of study of the new program is considered, starting from the date of registration. |
Minor Program | According to the ç subclause of Article 34 of Yeditepe University Regulations of Undergraduate Study, two semesters of extra period of study is considered in addition to the time the student gains the right to graduate his/her original program of study. |
Lateral Transfers that are In-House, According to GPA and Centralized Placement Results
| For in-house and interacademic lateral transfers, prior periods of education is calculated towards the maximum period of study.
The decree that “In scope of this article, a student’s maximum period of study, who transfers to a different program, is calculated by reducing the year of acceptance from the program’s maximum period of study” in the subclause 2 of Article Appendix 1 of “Regulations for the Credit Transfer Interacademically in Institutions of Higher Education with Lateral Transfers, Double Majors and Minor Programs”, published on the Official Journal dated 24.04.2010 and numbered 27561, is taken into consideration. |
For equivalent programs, the year of the transfer is made is considered without considering the adaptation. | |
Decree-law Regarding the Precautions within the Scope of State of Emergency, numbered KHK667 and published on Official Journal dated 23 July 2016 and numbered 29779. | Student’s ÖSYS Placement Date is considered. |
2. For students who have exceeded their maximum period of study, the decrees below from Article 37 (6) of Yeditepe University Regulations for Undergraduate Study are applied:
37 (6) (Addition RG. 14.09.2015/29475 sy.) To the 4th year students after their maximum period of study, in order for them to graduate;
a) Two additional exam rights for all the courses they have failed are provided. As a result of these exams, students who have reduced the amount of failed courses to five are given three semesters for these five courses, for students who have failed up to five courses without the additional exams are given four semesters and for students who have failed only one course is given unlimited attempts at an exam without benefiting from students’ rights.
b) 4th year students who have passed all the required courses yet do not have the 2.00/4.00 GPA for graduation are given unlimited exam attempts for any courses that they wish to take. Those courses, except for the ones with applied parts and ones that are not taken before, do not require regular attendance.
c) A student who does not attend a maximum of three years’ exams consecutively or accumulatively is deemed to have given up on his/her right of unlimited attempts and therefore cannot benefit from this right.
ç) Students who benefit from the right of unlimited exams continue paying per course that they attend the exams for, yet cannot beneift from other students’ rights.
3. Conditions regarding the rights of students who are given two additional exams for all the failed courses and those who have reduced the amount of failed courses to 5 are applied as stated in the noverints of the Council of Higher Education, provided below. After these rights, students who have more than 5 courses failed before graduation will be expelled.
3.1. Two additional exam rights will be given for those courses that are previously taken and failed with an FF or FA grade. For courses that are with an FF/FA grade but that cannot be evaluated with a final exam and depend on in-term activities (laboratory studies, projects, applicatins etc.), internships and courses that are not previously registered to, procedures will be applied as follows.
3.2. Students who have reduced the amount of failed courses down to 5 will be applied with Article 37 (6) of Yeditepe University Regulations for Undergraduate Study.
3.3. Within the scope of this article, the 5 courses can be ones failed with an FF/FA, a course that cannot be evaluated with a final exam and depend on in-term activities (laboratory studies, projects, applicatins etc.), internships and courses that are not previously registered to.
3.4. For courses that are with an FF/FA grade but that cannot be evaluated with a final exam and depend on in-term activities (laboratory studies, projects, applicatins etc.), and courses that are not previously registered to will be given the right of attendance for once. Right of attendance will also be provided for internships.
4. Exams for the courses that are given the right to attend any extra exams will be held between 26-30 July 2021 and 27 August – 5 September 2021. While the dates are announced as follows, if there are planned exams such as single-course exams coinciding on these dates, the given rights can be used in these exams as well.