Candidates who have graduated from the higher education programmes included in the annex of the decision of the Board of Education and Discipline (TTK) dated 20 February 2014 and numbered 09 and who have graduated from higher education institutions abroad and whose equivalence to the programmes in the annex of the aforementioned decision is approved by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and who meet the specified conditions can apply for the Pedagogical Formation Training Certificate Programme. Depending on the institutional capacity of our university, candidates who graduated from the relevant undergraduate programmes and meet the conditions to be determined by the senate can apply to the Pedagogical Formation Education Certificate Programme.
The courses in the Pedagogical Formation Education Certificate Programme are given in Appendix-1.
The duration of the Pedagogical Formation Education Certificate Programme is at least two semesters. The courses are divided into two semesters and can be completed in one academic year according to the syllabus in Appendix 1. A course that is not included in Annex-1 cannot be opened in the programme.
Being enrolled in the programme does not constitute a reason for male students to defer their military service. Students who are enlisted in military service before completing the programme can complete the programme from where they left off or continue the programme from where they left off in a higher education institution where the programme is open, if they apply within the first two years following their discharge from military service.
(1) According to Article 46 of the Law No. 2547 and Article 7 of the Law No. 3843 dated 19/11/1992, the fee that can be charged from those who enrol in the programme, The Secondary Education Tuition Fee determined for the Faculties of Education in the Schedule (A) numbered II of the Tuition Fees to be Received from Secondary Education in Higher Education Institutions, which is published in the Official Gazette every year and determined by the Decree of the Council of Ministers on the Determination of Contribution Fees and Secondary Education Fees to be Received as Student Contribution to Current Service Costs in Higher Education Institutions in the relevant academic year, can be up to three times the Secondary Education Tuition Fee determined for the Faculties of Education.
(2) Tuition fee is paid in advance or in instalments to be determined by the institution. The first instalment is paid during registration and the other instalments are paid on the dates to be decided by the institution.
(3) The fees to be charged for course repetition are calculated according to the share of the credits of the courses to be repeated in the total credits, and the amount of the total tuition fee per credit of the repeated course can be charged.
(4) Those who interrupt their education for justified and valid reasons and those who are absent from all courses in one or more semesters and are deemed unsuccessful, pay the tuition fee per course again in the following semesters and continue the programme.
The provisions of Yeditepe University's Education and Examination Regulations and the Student Discipline Regulations of Higher Education Institutions apply to the courses, education, exams, and disciplinary matters in the programme. Those who meet the attendance requirement for at least one course in a semester but cannot attend some courses continue the programme in the next semester by paying the tuition fee to be determined by the Institution per course credit.
According to the provisions of Yeditepe University's teaching and examination regulations, those who are successful in all the courses in the programme are entitled to receive Pedagogical Formation Education Certificate.
Those who continue the programme cannot benefit from other student rights other than exam rights.
Certificates cannot be issued in more than one field based on the same pedagogical formation education.
27.09.2021 tarihli Yükseköğretim Genel Kurul toplantısında Yükseköğretim Kurulu tarafından izin verilen üniversitelerce uygulanacak Pedagojik Formasyon Eğitimi Sertifika Programına İlişkin Çerçeve Usul ve Esaslar görüşülerek uygun görülmüştür.