This year, Yeditepe University was listed for the first time among the "Best Universities in Asia" by London-based higher education rating agency Times Higher Education's (THE).
There are five performance indicators in the assessment of THE, the only global performance chart in which universities are evaluated in all core missions: "teaching, research, references, international outlook and industry revenue."
According to these performance indicators, 359 universities were evaluated at the “THE” this year, the National University of Singapore was the best in Asia while the number of Turkish universities increased from 17 to 22 with the participation of Yeditepe University.
Dokuz Eylül, Akdeniz, Ondokuz May and Gebze Technical Universities were among the first universities to enter the list together with Yeditepe University.
According to the previous year, Koç, Sabancı, Bilkent, Istanbul Technical, Boğaziçi, METU, Atilim, Istanbul, Yildiz Technical, Anadolu, Ankara and Gazi universities went down in the list. According to the list, while Marmara and Hacettepe improved their performance, Erciyes, TOBB Economy and Technology universities and Izmir Institute of Technology retained last year's position.