Yeditepe Model United Nations Club became the number one of Turkey with its 8th Yeditepe Model United Nations Conference! Yeditepe Model United Nations Club organized the biggest conference of Model United Nations community in our campus on 18-20th of December, 2015. Yeditepe University Model United Nations Club was preparing Yeditepe Model United Nations Conference for 4 months. This year, approx. 800 participants joined special training and made discussions in hearings during 3 days. By nature of the concept of conference, delegates both got used to the Model United Nations concept and improve their selves and were satisfied by Y-MUN conference. Conference, also hosted record number of committees and participants this year as well as 4 new, 3 developer and 3 specialized committees. There were 11 committees in total and with innovative committees in any level along with delegations, the conference ended successfully with the aim of bringing a breath of fresh air to Model United Nations community. Members of NATO, World Trade Center and top level military officials participated to the opening ceremony organized in İnan Kıraç Conference Room on 18th of December. Yeditepe University hosted many participants from all over Turkey during 3 days and Model United Nations Conference Academy and Operation teams were satisfied the development of the conference.
Committees Taking Place in Conference
General Board First Committee: International Disarmament and Security Committee
General Board Third Committee: The Committee of Social Science, Culture and Human
General Board Fourth Committee: Special Committee of Politics and Decolonization
Turkish Red Crescent
Economical and Social Council
1871 German Political Union
Council of the European Union
International Criminal Court
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
The United Nations Security Council
Political Conversations of United States of America and People's Republic of China