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Knowledge Center - Webinar - Eikon with Datastream

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Eikon with Datastream: Today's Economic World and Markets

Eikon with Datastream;

FX is the world's most comprehensive, most reliable macroeconomic database that includes simultaneous and retrospective price information, news, reports, analysis and forecasts on money, stocks, bonds, metals, energy and agricultural markets. Below you can find detailed information about the Eikon with Datastream service package, which is our subscription to instant market data.

• Instant and retrospective access to forex, bond, CDS, commodity and energy markets

• Economic, agenda, political, sectoral and company news and important world news about Turkey

• Access to the largest macroeconomic database in the world (the most comprehensive database retrospectively)

• Access to international forecast data on macroeconomic forecasts

• Access to company-related data such as balance sheet, ratio, cash flow

• Access to models suitable for comparing companies and countries on an economic basis

• Instant access to Reuters news

• Access to macroeconomic surveys conducted by Reuters

• As all these data are transferred to an Excel file

Who is it for:

• Banking, Management & Finance departments

• Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and its departments

• Departments related to trade and Vocational School

We would like to invite you to our webinar to share information and talk about this database on the day and time specified below.

Webinar Details:

Date: Thursday, May 27, 2021

Hour: 14:00

Speaker: Gözde Gündoğdu Taşkın

Participation link

For more details contact to

Yeditepe University

Knowledge Center

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