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Turkey’s Leading Economists and Academics Are Coming Together in Yeditepe University!

Turkey’s Leading Economists and Academics Are Coming Together in Yeditepe University!


Corporate Governance and Economic Development, Macroeconomic Outlook, Employment and Development, Real Estate Sector and Problems, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Financial Markets and Economic Growth, Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Policy, Technological Developments (Artificial Intelligence and Block Chain) problems and their solution ways and mainly economic problems affecting financial markets and financial markets in Turkey will be discussed in our workshop.


MODERATOR Dr. Cüneyt Akman

Economist, Journalist, Writer and TV Programmer


1. Session  (10:00-13:00)

The Old President of the Central Bank/ Durmuş YILMAZ

ITU Faculty of Management Department of Business Engineering / Prof. Dr. İ. Öner GÜNÇAVDI

Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Business and Management Sciences / Assoc. Dr. Aysel Gündoğdu

Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences / Prof. Dr. Feride GÖNEL

Tabit Smart Agriculture Technologies Inc. Board Member / Coşkun YILDIRIM

Chairperson of the Executive Board for the Foundation of Improving and Researching the Basic Income and Culture for Citizens / Dr. Ali Mutlu KÖYLÜOĞLU


2. Session (14:00-18:00)

Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences / Prof. Dr. Yalçın KARATEPE

Economics Writer / Özcan KADIOĞLU

Economist, Özyeğin University Lecturer / Assoc. Dr. Evren BOLGÜN

Yalova University Department of Economics / Assoc. Dr. Baki DEMİREL

Real Estate Appraiser / Dr. Ahmet BÜYÜKDUMAN

Yeditepe University School of Applied Sciences Director / Prof. Dr. Veysel ULUSOY