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The Easiest Field for Young People to Start Their Own Business: Department of Logistics Management / Prof. Dr. Erkut Akkartal

Lojistik Yönetimi Bölümü

Prof. Dr. Erkut Akkartal, the Chair of the Department of Logistics Management at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Yeditepe University, answered the questions of Turgut Özay on the "Eğitim Merkezi" program broadcasted on Bloomberg HT television.

Prof. Dr. Erkut Akkartal provided information about logistics, the rising sector in Turkey in recent years, and discussed what logistics management education should entail.

Emphasizing that the logistics industry offers young people a professional environment where they can most easily establish their businesses, Prof. Dr. Akkartal stated, "The easiest sector for young people to start a business is the logistics sector. They can also do this in the transportation, warehousing, and purchasing sectors. Our goal is to nurture young professionals. 80% of our students start working in the industry while still studying. In branded courses, important figures from the industry start connecting with students as early as their sophomore year during the classes." Prof. Dr. Akkartal mentioned that learning two foreign languages and completing two internships are mandatory at Yeditepe University's Department of Logistics, thus ensuring that graduates are well-equipped. Prof. Dr. Akkartal added, "I recommend that young people join student clubs to improve their organizational skills. Students who achieve a grade point average of 60 out of 100 are eligible for Erasmus starting from their second year."