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Early Republican Residences in Literary Language

Edebi Dilde Ergen Cumhuriyet Konutları

Since the establishment of the Republic of Türkiye, much has evolved in the field of architecture!

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Yeditepe University, Professor Dr. Ece Ceylan Baba, stated, "Following the foundation of the Republic of Türkiye, there has been significant progress towards modernization in architecture. Embracing the idea of 'building a new country,' a few architects, despite limited resources, essentially reconstructed Anatolian cities and the capital, Ankara. Consequently, a modern and distinct architectural legacy emerged. The advancement in technology post-Republic, developments in building materials, and the increase in resources created entirely new possibilities in the field of architecture."
The founding of the Republic of Türkiye and subsequent events are filled with various "modernization" projects in many fields. Changes in Anatolian cities throughout history, especially in the Republic era, were most intense, particularly in the capital, Ankara. The establishment of new cities and the modernization of existing urban spaces are interdependent on political, economic, social, and cultural matters. All the changes experienced have influenced each other.
Architectural trends in the early years of the Republic were associated with the Westernization movements of the late Ottoman Empire. However, under the light of the nation-state concept that was constructed thereafter, what can be termed as the architecture of the Republic era possesses a distinctive and qualitative architectural heritage worthy of examination in various periods.

The architectural, urban space, and nation-state concept developments that occurred within the first 100 years of the Republic, founded on a Western perspective, can be read in multiple dimensions. Observing the transformation of spaces with a modern and sometimes remarkably emphasized necessity argument encompasses many teachings. Although this necessity is attempted to be read through the lens of the necessity of the Republic's existence in urban/space organizations, it is closely related to the construction of a new society. It is important not to forget the significant actors in this grand movement of change, namely, the professionals, in order to maintain the urban memory by preserving their works/buildings.

The reconstruction of Anatolian cities and the capital, Ankara, almost from scratch with a limited number of architects/city planners and constrained resources, is impossible not to admire once considered within the context of the conditions of that period and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's vision.
Much has changed in the field of architecture over a century since the establishment of the Republic. The technologies within architectural practice have advanced, building materials diversified and improved, resources increased, cities expanded, and the numbers of architects and urban planners multiplied. Nonetheless, what was accomplished a hundred years ago under various constraints still holds the sense of hope that we can cherish today. I hope for the preservation of existing structures and the transfer of urban memory to future generations.