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Young Communicators Receive Their Awards at Yeditepe

Yeditepe University hosted the 29th Young Communicators’ Competition Award Ceremony by the Aydin Dogan Foundation. At the ceremony, Yeditepe University Communication Faculty students Burçin Bıyıklıoğlu and Ferzan Akgül received the second prize in Corporate Communication Project while Ozan Oguz Kurt received the third prize in the interviews category.

59 projects by 102 students from 25 universities were awarded among 1087 students with their 917 projects from 42 communication faculties in Turkey in categories like print, visual, audial, advertising, public relations, and internet broadcasting.

Yeditepe University Founder and Honorary Chairman Bedrettin Dalan, Yeditepe University Rector Prof. Dr. Canan Aykut Bingöl,  Doğan Group Honorary Chairman Aydın Doğan, Aydın Doğan Foundation’s Chairwoman Hanzade Doğan Boyner, Doğan Holding Chief Executive Officer Yağmur Şatana, Aydın Doğan Foundation Executive Director Candan Fetvacı, Aydın Doğan Foundation Board Member Erol Çamur, Aydın Doğan Foundation Board Member Volkan Vural, Yeditepe University Founding Chairman Advisor Prof. Dr. Sedefhan Oğuz, Yeditepe University Communication Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Billur Ülger, , Doğan Holding Secretary General Ayhan Sırtıkara, Hürriyet daily’s columnists Deniz Zeyrek, Ertuğrul Özkök and Sedat Ergin, Kanal D News Editor-in-Chief Süleyman Sarılar, CNN TÜRK General Manager Erdoğan Aktaş, Hürriyet Advertising Director Zeynep Tandoğan, Hürriyet Digital Content Coordinator Emre Kızılkaya, CNN TÜRK News Editor-in-Chief Ferhat Boratay, Doğan Media Group managers like Aslı Öymen and Şafak Ongan, journalist and broadcaster the late Mehmet Ali Birand’s wife Cemre Birand, instructors and finalist students were present in the event.

Speaking at the opening of the ceremony, Hanzade Doğan Boyner, Aydın Doğan Foundation Chairwoman of the Board, emphasized that the world has evolved into a digital future and the technological revolution is affecting every sector without exception, and communication is at the head of the most affected areas of technology. Pointing out that communication between the masses replaced communication for the masses, Hanzade Doğan Boyner said that while strengthening the individual and facilitating the access to information, this transformation leads to an enormous information pollution and makes it very difficult to reach and to understand the truth. She added "Technology brought virtual lives and virtual realities to our lives. The concept of 'beyond reality' has become a part of our lives. We can also show hundreds of examples from the social media that reach millions and are accepted by the society as if it were real”

Emphasizing that the technology will continue to change, Hanzade Doğan Boyner continued as follows:

"As young communicators, the value you should never compromise must be to sincerely seek the truth. This is the essence of communication. We can only stand by these values against the intelligent algorithms of technology. Always looking for truth in a transparent and sincere manner makes us true communicators with the tweets, the posts, in the television programs we broadcast, and in the articles we publish in newspapers."

Turkey's bright side: the ISTEK Foundation

Yeditepe University Founding Chairman Bedrettin Dalan said that ISTEK Foundation continues to serve with its schools in Turkey, and continued: "I’m saying this for the first time, as of today, we are Turkey’s highest scholarship granting foundation with 17 thousand scholarship students. We will continue to grow.”

Stating that ISTEK Foundation is standing as Turkey's bright side, Dalan stated that, "Aydın Doğan Foundation has contributed to the establishment of the university. Both foundations are strong watchmen of the Atatürk Republic. The Aydın Doğan Foundation is a foundation that supports entrepreneurs. Aydin Dogan Foundation, like ISTEK Foundation, educates contemporary young people in the footsteps of Ataturk" Bedrettin Dalan, about a memory with Aydin Dogan continued as follows:

"Before founding the ISTEK Foundation in 1983, I told Aydin Dogan that I was going to found a school chain. He said that I would not be able to do this, that I could "clean the Golden Horn, but not build schools." I was elected chairman and immediately sent a letter of donation to Mr. Doğan. He called me and asked me what that was. Make a donation to the foundation that you claimed I could not found, and become a member. Thanks to him, he accepted. Mr. Doğan is a founding member of the İSTEK Foundation and we have worked for together for a long time. I thank him for all his support to the İSTEK Foundation."

After the speeches, Aydın Doğan presented the first prize award in the News-Research category to Erciyes University Communication Faculty student Furkan Arıcan. Bedrettin Dalan presented awards to second prize winners Berivan Bila, Murat Makas and Pelin Alparslan, students of the Communication Faculty of Karadeniz Technical University, and third prize winner Fatma Kapusuz from Tirebolu Communication Faculty of Giresun University.

Hanzade Doğan Boyner and Yeditepe University rector Prof. Dr. Canan Aykut Bingöl presented the awards in the Interviews category to first prize winner Hayati Koray Korkmaz from Gümüşhane University Communication Faculty, second prize winner Sariye Nur Dönmez from Üsküdar University Communication Faculty, and third prize winner Ozan Oğuz Kurt from Yeditepe University Communication Faculty.

At the end of the ceremony, Hanzade Doğan Boyner, Chairwoman of Aydın Doğan Foundation, presented certificates to the dean and faculty members of the universities that won prizes. The ceremony came to an end after taking photographs with the students.


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Media and Content Production Panel in the Age of Digital Transformation

Meanwhile, a panel session titled “Media and Content Production in Digital Transformation Era” was held, moderated by Özkök and attended by Posta daily’s columnist and Kafa Magazine Owner Candaş Tolga Işık, CNN Türk TV presenter Deniz Bayramoğlu and Hepsiburada Chief Marketing Officer Yüce Zerey.



News - News Research

First place: Furkan Arıcan, ‘Water Tasting is his Business', Erciyes University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Berivan Bila, Murat Makas and Pelin Alparslan, "The Journey to Rebellious Music of the Universal Black Sea Region", Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Fatma Kapusuz, 'The Hidden Labor in a Woman's Heart', Giresun University, Tirebolu Faculty of Communication


First Place: Hayati Koray Korkmaz, 'The First Pilot Student of the Republic, Alaaddin Çulcuoğlu', Gumushane University Communication Faculty

Second Place: Sariye Nur Dönmez, 'We are all Disabled through the Eyes of a Bird', Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication

Third place: Ozan Oğuz Kurt, 'Atatürk through Sunay Akın’s Eyes', Yeditepe University Faculty of Communication


First Place: Fadime Aydemir, 'What Do Children's Pictures Tell?', Gümüşhane University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Dicle Kaya, 'Sister of Cats', Gumushane University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Işıl Kaptan, 'Dreams Carved on Trees', Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Communication


First Place: Samed Aydin Sun, 'Beşiktaş Supporter Physician cures Fans with his Compositions', Erciyes University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Süleyman Kaçmaz, "From Ruins to becoming a Record Holder", Erciyes University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Seden Elter, 'Hidden City's Treasure, Checkmate Beauty Bahçesaray', Gümüşhane University, Faculty of Communication


First Place: Kairatbek Azimbaev, ' Tit-for-tat', Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Bekim Coldubay Kızı, 'Challenge', Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Onur Anas, 'Let’s Look at the Sky', Akdeniz University, Faculty of Communication

Television News

First Place Mehmet Ali Birand Award: Abdullah Kasım Aytekin, Kubra Yavuz, 'Son for Foreclosure', Selcuk University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: İsmail Ayazlı, Mert Göral 'Lost Tribe' 'Dom' '', Fırat University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Ayana Baytemirova 'Summer Vacation', Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University Faculty of Communication


First Place: Abdurrahman Demir, Hasan Erdoğmuş, Merve Özyürek, Tolunay Tekmek, 'Red', Gümüşhane University Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Kasiet Kubanıçbek Kızı, 'Oymok', Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Eren Taşyürek, 'They First Polluted the Waters’, Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Communication

Short film

First Place: Ramazan Kılıç, 'Penaber', Istanbul Şehir University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Ilgiz-Sherniyaz Tursunbek Ulu, 'The Hunter', Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Ozan Seza Gültekin, 'The Stop', Akdeniz University, Faculty of Communication


First Place: Gizem Tuğçe Gerçel, 'News for Children', Erciyes University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Berkin Güvendik, 'Current Events', Selcuk University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Hatice Karataş, 'Radio Gazi Prime News', Gazi University, Faculty of Communication

Radio Programming

First Place: Büşra Seyis, 'Songs in our Pockets', Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Zeynep Can, 'Time of the Gypsies', Marmara University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Ömer Sefa Ergezer, Simay Büşra Masharaf, 'Bad Intention', Kocaeli University, Faculty of Communication

Advertisement Film Script

First Place: Nida Filiz, 'Safety Belt Awareness Campaign Television Film', Kadir Has University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Emre Bolat Erdogan Çelebioğlu, 'Dominos Pizza - Hand Burning Fast Delivery', Ege University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Derin Doğru, Tarık Eren, Yaşam Koçer, 'Bless you', Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Communication

Printed Advertisement

First Place: Ali Can Kahraman, Ekremcan Arslan, ‘Arko Nem Sun Screen’, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Okan Can Şahin, Özkan Tok, ‘JBL-Go’, Ege University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Mehmet Özkızılviranlıo, ‘It Reaches the Depths’, Ege University, Faculty of Communication

Internet Advertisement

First Place: Saim Çizmeci, Sevda Kutlu, ‘Don't Cut Project, Ege University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Natali Nurnur ‘WWF No to Real Fur!’, Kadir Has University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Nezahat Aylin Güngör, ‘Smart – Quick Reverse’, Ankara University, Faculty of Communication

Advertising Campaign Grand Prize

Ferhat Sezer Kurtoğlu, Seçil Eda Karbo, Umut Subaşı, ‘Söke Flour – Your Work', Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Communication

Web Site

First Place: Beste Budan, ‘Planet Udumbara Science Site’, İstanbul University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Musa Emir Şen, Recep Demirci, ‘The Keyboard Monster’, Selçuk University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Ahmet Mücahit Nalbant, Aslıhan Bala, Mustafa Telli, ‘I made my Dream Come True’, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Communication


First Place: Yakup Ekinci, ‘A Photograph with a Justification’, Anadolu University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Kaan Güven, Şahin Bingöl, ‘Movie Matinee”, Selçuk University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Orkun Enver Gözübüyük, Sezer Öcaf, Tolunay Büke, ‘Mizahat’, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Communication

Internet Media Website

First Place: Cemre Sena Baykara, Gizem Cevizli, İpek Yılmaz, Simge Avcıoğlu ‘PR Outlet Plus’, İstanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Begüm Kaptan, Birgül Salakoslu, Derya Özbalcı, Tuğsem Soner, ‘Digital Media and Children’, İstanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Anıl Emül, Elyesa Karatepe, Onur Kara, Zehra Rumeysa Fidan, ‘Migrating Lives’, Üsküdar University, Faculty of Communication

Corporate Communication Project

First Place: Mehmet Karabatak, Müzeyyen Günaydın, Seyit Özmen, Şenol Yaman, ‘TOÇEV Corporate Communication Project 'One Hand One Hope’, Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Burçin Bıyıklıoğlu, Ferzan Akgül, ‘Women’s Rights New Resolutions Association’, Yeditepe University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Mert Küçükay, ‘Cigna Financial Retirement Inhouse Communication Project’, Maltepe University, Faculty of Communication

Product-Service Promotion Project

First Place: Ferhat Oğurlu, Oğuzhan Arsan, Osman Işık, Şura Ödevoğlu, ‘Adilcevaz Walnuts Product-Service Promotion Project’, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Musa Emir Şen, Osman Ünal, Recep Demirci, Şahin Bingöl, ‘Don’t play, Do it!’, Selçuk University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Emre Berkay Kaya, ‘Gripin Product-Service Promotion Project’, Kocaeli University, Faculty of Communication

Social Responsibility Project

First Place: Pırıl Kalyon, Selahattin Çınar, Sevcan Sezgin, “‘Change my Summer’, Galatasaray University, Faculty of Communication

Second Place: Buket Yenici, Özgür Yalçın, Seda Baytok, Selin Sezgin, ‘Authism Wonder Club, Ege University, Faculty of Communication

Third Place: Mustafa Böyük, Tacim Yurdakul, ‘If you lost your place’, Erciyes University, Faculty of Communication