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Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akgün and Prof. Dr. Hojin Ahn (Erdem An) are going to be hosted on Habertürk TV


Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akgün, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Yeditepe University's Faculty of Engineering and a the same department, Prof. Dr. Hojin Ahn (Erdem An) are going to respond to the questions of Dr. Görkem İldaş on the program Yolun Başındayken which is going to be broadcast on 2 August 2022, Tuesday 14.15 at Habertürk TV.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akgün ve Prof. Dr. Erdem An, relate information about what kind of an education do the engineers, who have their fingerprints on every machine around us, receive.