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Knowledge Center - Trial Access - Wikilala

It Is Beautiful As It Is Shared With You…

Database Open to Trial Access: 


Access End Date: 30.11.2022

Content Knowledge:

Wikilala is a digital library that allows "searching" in today's Turkish texts (newspapers, magazines, books and documents) published in Ottoman Turkish (1729-1928) and Early Republican Period (1923-1950) after the invention of the printing press.

There is currently no library that allows the curious or academic researchers to search the Early Republic and Ottoman texts in an integrated manner with latin letters. Until the age of digital printing, researchers had to scan pages and pages of subject headings, and even read text line by line, in order to find what they were looking for, especially in Ottoman texts. However, thanks to Wikilala, they can reach all the titles and content they are looking for in a split second with a single click.

How does the system work?

Searching in publications before the alphabet revolution, that is, before 1928, was done as follows before Wikilala. For example, you have a research topic about “Turkish-American relations in the Ottoman period”. For this, you should read the headlines or columns of all the newspapers published in the Ottoman period on the subject, as if searching for a needle in a haystack, so that you can access information about the relevant subject or content. However, with a single click on Wikilala, you can reach all the content and titles you are looking for in under a second. When you type two keywords related to the subject (for example, Turkey, America) in the search box, you can list newspapers, magazines or books in Ottoman Turkish where these two words are mentioned, and you can access them by marking which issue and page on which line. If you wish, you can search within the document with latin or arabic letters. 

Off-Campus: In order to access eOsmanlıca from off-campus, you need to create an account with your institution e-mail ( If you wish, you can use it by logging in through the proxy determined by your institution for remote Access.

About Registration and Login

1- Click on the "register" button on the homepage of the website

2- Fill in the relevant blanks completely. (Please write your institution e-mail in the e-mail section.)

3- Review the user agreement.

4- Complete your registration by clicking the “Register” button.

5- Finally, click on the activation link sent to your e-mail address.


1- Click on the “Login” button on the homepage.

2- Write the information you filled in while creating the registration to the relevant places.

3- Finally, click on the “Log In” button. We wish you pleasant lessons.

If any question please contact to 

Yeditepe University

Knowledge Center