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Knowledge Center - Trial Access | Proquest Central

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Database Name: Proquest Central

Due Date: 08.09.2020

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Database Content:

You can access 26,000 Journals in Lancet, NEJM, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist and Medicine, Engineering, Business, Architecture, Theology, Psychology, Education and many more.

ProQuest Central access to millions of full-text articles from thousands of scientific journals as well as access to information not contained in other integrated sources


• More than 100,000 full fields in Business, Psychology, Physics, Health and Education. Access to text document,

• Over 450,000 working papers access from providers such as NBER and OECD,

• Millions of current industry and market reports and country profiles,

• Lancet, Nature, Science, New England Journals of Medicine, and Journal of Full text to the latest issues of many popular journals such as International Business Studies provides access.

• World-renowned publishers such as Cambridge University Press, Springer, and Emerald provides access to publications. More than 265 publishers from Mediterranean countries such as Spain, France and Portugal.

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Yeditepe University
Knowledge Center

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