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Knowledge Center - Trial Access - Drama Online New Collections


New collections have been added to our subscription DRAMA ONLINE database. These added collections are available for trial access until October 15, 2021.

Relevant information is available for your review.

Access End Date: 15.10.2021

Off-Campus Access Information:

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Drama Online new collections

*Oberon Books Collection :  Launching with 252 titles and building to 500, this collection features a diverse gathering of canonical and contemporary drama including ground-breaking British plays, the best of international drama, and plays in translation.

Oberon Books Collection title list here

*PATAZ: Physical Actor Training – an online A-Z : PATAZ: Physical Actor Training - an online A-Z establishes a foundation for physical training exercises through over 60 dynamic videos with accompanying audio commentary, reflection, and texts for today’s physical actor, teacher, and trainer.

* The Stratford Festival Shakespeare Collection :  10 filmed performances including: Antony and Cleopatra, Hamlet, King John, King Lear, Love's Labour's Lost, Macbeth, The Adventures of Pericles, Romeo and Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew, Timon of Athens; with two more films in 2021 and a further two in 2022.

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