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Access to Ottoman and Early Republican Period Archives

Ottoman and Early Republic in almost all categories, especially in social sciences.

Wikilala database providing access to newspapers, magazines and books from the period (1729-1950)

It has been opened to the access of our university.

Ceride-i Havadis, Cumhuriyet, Tasvir-i Efkar, Servet-i Fünun, Ulus, Vatan and Milliyet.

You can reach the periodicals of the Early Republic period and can be found in today's Turkish in all newspapers.

How does the system work?

Searching in publications before the alphabet revolution, that is, before 1928, is as follows before Wikilala:

was being done. For example, you have a research on “Turkish-American relations in the Ottoman period”.

There is a subject. For this purpose, the headlines of all the newspapers published in the Ottoman period on the subject.

or you should read the columns as if you are looking for a needle in a haystack so that they belong to the relevant topic or content.

you access information. However, with a single click on Wikilala, you can find all the content and titles you are looking for in a second.

can be found below. Two keywords related to the topic (for example, Turkey America) in the search box.

When you write, you can list the Ottoman newspapers, magazines or books in which these two words are mentioned and which

You can access the number by marking which line the page is on. If you wish, the document

You can search within the document with latin or arabic letters.


About Registration and Login

1- Click on the "register" button on the homepage of the website

2- Fill in the relevant blanks completely. (Please write your institution e-mail in the e-mail section.)

3- Review the user agreement.

4- Complete your registration by clicking the “Register” button.

5- Finally, click on the activation link sent to your e-mail address.


1- Click on the “Login” button on the homepage.

2- Write the information you filled in while creating the registration to the relevant places.

3- Finally, click on the “Login” button. We wish you pleasant research.


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Yeditepe University

Knowledge Center