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Knowledge Center - New Subscription (10 January 2020)


(New Subscription)

Database Name: ClinicalKey Student Foundation Dental (Elsevier textbooks)

Access finish date: 31.12.2020


Database Content:

The users have to create their personal profile in order to access ”ClinicalKey Student Foundation Dental” . The access is provided through everyone's own username and password.The personal profile also allows the users to use Bookshelf (highlight, add notes and bookmark), sharing notes / export the highlights and notes to OneNote application.Follow the below steps to create your personal profile- username and password.

1. Connect to your institution network, go to  address. (Your institutional name should appear within the opened page.)

2. Then click the “register” button and create your personal profile filling the opened form.

NOTE : If you register for ClilnicalKey and have an username and password you can use the same of it. If you don't remember your password go to!/forgot-password  address and request the reset-password email, click the “Reset Password” link within the email and set a new password.

* Video about Registration process:

Mobile application: Download the free “ClinicalKey Student Bookshelf” application to your mobile device from your iOS or Android stores.

To use Desktop Offline Reader : Your Desktop Offline Reader “ClinicalKey Student Bookshelf” is available from Windows store for Windows 10+, for Mac you can download it from  link.

Elsevier ClinicalKey Student Dental kapsam :

* 63 books

* 38.000 + images

You can browse all the books under the “Browse Resources” .

Some of the important features:

Launching  Bookshelf application within the books;

Highlighting , Adding notes , Exporting the images to the powerpoint presentation, Copy the text, Flash cards, Text to speech features can be used.

Create Assignment module and highlighter: you can prepare your highlights that you can share with your different student groups through the sharing settings by highlighting and adding notes.

Content e-books list click

If any questions please contact to

Yeditepe University
Knowledge Center

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