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The Issue will be Observed More as Average Life Expectancy Increases

Statistics show that 50% of adult women experience urinary incontinence. Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Dr. Sultan Can stated that, unfortunately, women avoid applying to a doctor due to a feeling of embarassment, lack of information regarding the treatment methods and/or fear of surgery. As average life expectancy increases, it is thought that this issue will be observed more in parallel.

Urinary incontinence, which may be observed in women in all age groups, is deemed a serious public health issue that affects people throughout the world. The issue, which is experienced by about 50% of adult women, is observed in 25% in young women, 44-57% in middle-aged women and 75% in elderly women. Pointing out that in parallel to the increase in average life expectancy, the global economical burden of urinary incontinence will also increase, Obstetrician and Gyneacology Specialist Dr. Sultan Can pointed out that the disorder will continue to pose a significant problem for public health.

Stating that a lot of reasons, ranging from genetical factors to obesity, diabetes to smoking, may be the reason for urinary incontinence, Dr. Sultan Can reminded that there is a strong connection between aging and disorder prevalence and its severity. Yeditepe University Hospitals Obstetrician and Gyneacology Specialist Dr. Sultan Can stated the reasons for this as follows: “In connection with the lowering estrogen levels due to aging, urinary incontinence may be caused secondarily due to the loss of elasticity in connective tissues, as well as the weakening of pelvic muscles, which function as a support, and bladder. Yet, aging by itself is not considered as an independent risk factor for urinary incontinence. Lifestyle plays a more important role”.

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