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Breastfed Babies Have Lower Blood Pressure, Healthier Hearts

In a new study conducted in the USA, it was determined that breastfed babies have a lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke in later life than babies who do not receive breast milk. Pointing out that the benefits of breast milk are endless, Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital Pediatric Health and Diseases, Newborn Specialist Prof. Dr. Filiz Bakar said that breast milk, which is called "colostrum", which starts to be secreted right after birth and lasts for four to five days, is a very useful, rich and protective miraculous food source in every sense.

In the study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), which analyzed data from more than 2.000 children to determine the relationship between breastfeeding and blood pressure-heart health, babies who were breastfed for even a few days had blood compared to babies who were not breastfed at 3 years of age. pressure was lower. Saying that colostrum, known as the first milk, is a natural antibiotic, rich in stem cells and growth factors, and containing compounds that affect healthy growth and microbiome, Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital Pediatrics Specialist Prof. Dr. Filiz Bakar, "With the immunoglobulin A, G, E, D and E in its content, it protects the baby from all kinds of microbes and viruses, and also affects the vascular endothelium, creating positive effects on blood pressure and heart health."

Stating that this research is very valuable, Prof. Dr. Filiz Bakar pointed out that many studies have been carried out in recent years on the benefits of breastfeeding and stated that breast milk makes the person healthier and more resistant to diseases in advanced ages. prof. Dr. Filiz Bakar added that breast milk protects the baby from infectious diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, diarrhea, urinary tract infections and meningitis during infancy by improving the baby's immune system.

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