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Prof. Dr. Mehmet Durman: "Investing in Quality at Universities is the Most Crucial Investment for the Future"

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Durman

Since 2001, Deans of Engineering Faculties from universities across Türkiye have gathered twice yearly to contribute to the "Quality Processes in Higher Education" through the Engineering Deans Council Meetings. Speaking at the 42nd Engineering Deans Council Meeting, Yeditepe University President Prof. Dr. Mehmet Durman shared valuable insights on "Quality Assurance and Quality Culture in Higher Education."
"Quality Cannot Be Achieved Solely Through Systems"
Highlighting significant steps taken since the early 2000s to establish quality assurance systems in universities, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Durman underlined the need for further efforts to ensure these processes are sustainable and embraced as part of institutional culture. "Quality cannot be achieved solely through the existence of systems," he said, stressing the importance of integrating systems with culture to sustain quality. He added that adopting this understanding in higher education would raise the quality standards even higher.

Prof. Dr. Durman outlined key focus areas to foster a culture of quality within universities:

Leadership: University administrations must actively lead quality processes at every stage, ensuring all partners take ownership of these efforts.
Participation: Involving academic and administrative staff, students, and external partners creates a more holistic and inclusive approach to quality processes.
Sustainability: Ensuring the permanence of quality systems requires the efficient use of resources and the development of long-term strategies.
"Our Universities Will Shine Brighter on the International Stage"
Stating that quality thrives when shared understanding and awareness are established among all partners, Prof. Dr. Durman emphasized that strengthening existing systems and adopting a more inclusive approach to quality would make universities more competitive internationally. He concluded by asserting that investing in quality at universities is the most significant investment for the future.
Quality Assurance Systems ensure that educational, research, and administrative processes align with national and international standards and are continuously improved. These mechanisms aim to deliver high-quality education, support scientific research, enhance partner satisfaction, and make institutions globally competitive. Key components include establishing quality policies aligned with strategic objectives, internal and external evaluation processes with performance monitoring, developing processes through feedback, and achieving national/international recognition for education and research quality.
Quality Culture represents a mindset in which academic and administrative staff, students, and other partners voluntarily engage in and embrace quality processes. This culture is fundamental to the effective functioning of quality assurance systems. Its key characteristics include viewing quality as a shared responsibility, embedding quality processes as core institutional values, and ensuring the active participation of all partners in these processes.