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Preventing Violence Begins in Preschool Education!


Emphasizing the importance of instilling values and skills to combat violence starting from early childhood, Prof. Dr. Yelkin Diker Coşkun stated, "It is crucial to implement effective preventive guidance programs for children and youth, focusing on self-awareness, emotional regulation, relationship-building communication skills, conflict resolution, setting boundaries, and mutual respect. Teaching these skills early can contribute to developing healthy, non-violent relationships in the future.

Commenting on the increasing violence among youth, Yeditepe University's Faculty of Education Dean, Prof. Dr. Yelkin Diker Coşkun, provided potential solutions. Prof. Coşkun explained that violence is a widespread issue affecting millions of individuals, families, and societies globally. "When defining violence, physical violence often comes to mind. However, coercion, threats, deception, and various pressures that force individuals to act against their will should also be considered forms of violence."

"Everyone Plays a Role in Violence"

"All forms of violence involve three parties: the victim, the perpetrator, and the bystander," said Prof. Dr. Yelkin Diker Coşkun. "Every member of society can potentially become one of these. Violence, when viewed from this perspective, is something that can occur close to anyone. Children and young people are particularly vulnerable because they are exposed to violence at an early age, which negatively impacts their ability to distinguish right from wrong."

Desensitized or Imitating

Addressing how children can be directly involved in domestic violence and peer bullying, Prof. Dr. Coşkun explained, "Today, children are exposed to violent elements at an early age due to digital media. Unsupervised screen time, whether through television or tablets, contributes to this exposure. Over time, children may become desensitized to violence or begin imitating what they see, using violence as a tool for problem-solving. In short, a psychosocial environment conducive to violence is at play. Therefore, education-driven societal efforts, rather than individual struggles, offer the most comprehensive solution."

"Education is a Powerful Tool for Violence Prevention"

Prof. Dr. Coşkun highlighted that education is seen worldwide as a powerful tool in preventing all forms of violence, as it raises awareness, fosters understanding, and promotes proactive measures. She noted, "In educational settings, all efforts related to violence must be conducted with the 'best interest of the child' in mind. Therefore, values and skills related to combating violence should be taught to students at all levels, starting in preschool. Awareness campaigns and educational materials in schools can help people recognize violent behaviors, understand the impact of violence on victims, and realize that violence in any form is unacceptable."

Healthy Relationship Skills Must Be Taught in Schools

Highlighting research conducted in the United States, which shows that specific reforms in schools have raised awareness of violence, Prof. Dr. Coşkun offered the following recommendations:

  • Enhancing the effectiveness of guidance services and promptly identifying at-risk students and their families to implement intervention programs.
  • Focusing on teaching healthy relationship skills in classrooms has proven effective in preventing violence.
  • Preventive guidance programs must be implemented for children and youth, focusing on self-awareness, emotional regulation, relationship-building communication skills, conflict resolution, setting boundaries, and mutual respect. Teaching these skills from an early age can contribute to the development of healthy, non-violent relationships in the future.
  • It is important to remember that, in recent years, teachers have also become victims of this societal issue. Therefore, teachers must be trained to recognize signs of violence, intervene appropriately, and support victims effectively in collaboration with guidance departments. This will facilitate reaching children and families affected by violence."

A Good Routine Can Reduce the Risk

Prof. Dr. Yelkin Diker Coşkun also provided the following advice for parents on preventive measures they can take:

  • Parents should explain to their children the harmful behaviors that lead to gender-based or peer pressure and why these behaviors are not acceptable, as well as how they can protect themselves.
  • Children and adolescents, due to their developmental stages, may tend to think egocentrically. Therefore, empathy must be encouraged within the family.
  • If the games children play contain violent elements, parents should discuss these with them. Banning such games may not always be an effective solution. Instead, encourage age-appropriate video games that help them develop positive skills.
  • Parents can occasionally join their children in watching their favorite programs. Although this may not always be possible, maintaining clear communication with defined boundaries is always necessary for children and adolescents.
  • Encourage children to spend healthy time with themselves and their peers. A weekly routine that includes meals, playtime, sleep, studying, sports, or other activities can help keep children away from risky behaviors.

If parents suspect their children are showing violent tendencies, they should contact the school guidance department to share their observations and concerns. Seeking professional support can help eliminate unwanted behaviors.