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How Should We Prepare Our Children for the World of Artificial Intelligence? What Will Artificial Intelligence Transform in the Educational Environment? At What Age Should We Provide Our Children with Education on Artificial Intelligence?


How Should We Prepare Our Children for the World of Artificial Intelligence? What Will Artificial Intelligence Transform in the Educational Environment?

At What Age Should We Provide Our Children with Education on Artificial Intelligence?

Prof. Dr. Gonca Kızılkaya Cumaoğlu explained how we should prepare our children for the AI-driven world we will face in the near future

Artificial intelligence is present in every aspect of our lives, and living with robots shortly no longer seems like a distant dream. AI is being discussed from many angles, and one of the significant questions is what awaits us in the crucial field of education.

Prof. Dr. Gonca Kızılkaya Cumaoğlu, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education and Head of the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology at Yeditepe University shared insights on the opportunities AI will offer in education and her views on how AI education should be provided starting from early childhood.

Cumaoğlu noted that Türkiye has made serious strides in this area since 2020, saying, “First, the TÜBİTAK Artificial Intelligence Institute (BİLGEM-YZE) was established. Then, in 2021, the Presidency implemented the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, the first national strategy document in the field of AI. The main goal was to create a sustainable AI ecosystem. Other important issues were training experts in this field, ensuring social adaptation and regulation, and accelerating workforce transformation.”.

Prof. Dr. Cumaoğlu highlighted that the coming years will not present a highly predictable world, stating, “When we reach the level of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) - which is not too far off - they anticipate a significant employment issue globally. Our children will first need to acquire all the new literacies, from AI literacy to new media and digital literacies. In other areas, we will have no barriers to educating ourselves.”.

A Top-Down Breakthrough

Prof. Dr. Cumaoğlu pointed out that changes in education systems are typically not implemented swiftly, but she anticipates a top-down breakthrough. "While contemplating taking action, the transformations related to employment that will fundamentally affect social life will necessitate a redefinition of needs, starting with the university system and subsequently compelling the entire education system. We could say that AI has already integrated itself into our education system before we could integrate it ourselves. For instance, the Higher Education Council (YÖK) published the 'Ethical Guide for the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research and Publishing Activities.' This means we have a guide for its use even before it becomes a formal part of the curriculum. Both researchers and our students are actively using it.

It Will Offer Many Opportunities in Education

Highlighting the opportunities AI will present in learning and educational environments beyond systemic changes, Prof. Dr. Gonca Kızılkaya Cumaoğlu shared the following insights::

“Personalized Instruction: With AI, educational methods and materials tailored to students' individual needs, learning speeds, interests, and abilities can be developed, optimizing the learning process. This model considers the student's strengths and weaknesses, setting personalized learning paths and goals to ensure the most effective learning experience.

Feedback and Mentorship: AI can give students faster feedback, helping them correct mistakes and learn more efficiently. It can closely monitor their progress, offering guidance and support where needed.

Support for Teachers: AI can help teachers develop materials. For instance, it can create learning materials based on students' interests and strengths. The ability to quickly and efficiently create such resources presents a significant opportunity to make teaching processes in schools more effective.

Learning Analytics: Looking from a broader perspective, learning analytics and predictive analysis, which work with big data, will become much easier with AI. Learning analytics is a research field that aims to organize learning and environments by analyzing students' performance data, enabling data-driven decision-making and early intervention.

Prof. Dr. Cumaoğlu highlighted that AI will benefit education significantly by offering personalized instruction, providing timely feedback and mentorship, supporting teachers in material development, and facilitating advanced learning analytics.”

When Should AI Education Begin?

Prof. Dr. Gonca Kızılkaya Cumaoğlu provided insights on what should be taught at various age ranges:

Early Childhood (3-6 Years): At this stage, fundamental digital skills can be introduced through educational games and applications to familiarize children with technology.

Primary School (7-12 Years): Basic programming and coding skills can be taught using simple programming languages like Scratch to develop algorithmic thinking. Digital literacy topics such as safe internet use, information searching, and evaluation skills can be introduced. To foster new media literacy, skills in understanding, evaluating, and creating media content can be addressed.

Middle School (12-15 Years): The fundamental concepts and working principles of artificial intelligence, along with basic applications, can be taught. Topics such as online ethics, safety, and privacy can be covered. In terms of media and information literacy, skills in information verification, evaluating news sources, and media criticism can be included in the curriculum. High School (15-18 Years): At this level, AI applications, data analysis, and machine learning topics can be explored. Advanced web development, mobile app development, and cybersecurity topics can be addressed. For new media literacy, subjects such as digital media production, source evaluation, privacy and security, copyright and ethical use, digital footprint management, social media management, and online communication skills should be examined. During this process, it is also essential for parents and educators to guide children, raising awareness about the safe and ethical use of technology.

Prof. Dr. Cumaoğlu emphasized that AI education should be tailored to the developmental stages of children, starting from early Childhood through high school, ensuring that each age group receives appropriate knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving technological landscape.