A |
Accounting and Auditing (Master’s Program) (Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Accounting and Finance (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Agricultural Trade and Management (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Animation Design (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Anthropology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Anthropology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Architectural Studies (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Architecture (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Arts and Culture Management (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Atatürk's Principles and History of the Turkish Republic (Master's Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Atatürk Principles and Revolation History |
B |
Biological Anthropology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Biomedical Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis / Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Biotechnology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Biotechnology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Business Administration (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Business Administration (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
C |
Chemical Engineering (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Chemical Engineering (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Civil Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Clinical Pharmacy (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Clinical Psychology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Cognitive Sciences (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Comparative Literature (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Computer Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Computer Science and Information Technologies (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Cosmetology (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Curriculum and Instruction (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
Curriculum and lnstruction (Master’s Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
D |
Data Science (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Design and Innovation for Sustainable Food Systems (Master’s Program) (Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Doctoral Program in English Literature Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Drug and Cosmetic Production Technologies (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
E |
Economics (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Economics (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Educational Administration and Supervision (Master’s Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Endodontics (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Endodontics (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
English Language and Literature (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
English Language and Literature (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
English Language Education (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
English Language Education (Master’s Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
European Studies (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) European Studies Institute |
Executive Business Administration (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
F |
Financial Economics (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Financial Economics (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
G |
Gastronomy and Culinary Culture (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Graphic Design (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Graphic Design (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Guidance and Counseling (Master’s Program) (Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
H |
Health Care Management (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Health Management in Emergency And Disasters (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Histology and Embryology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Histology and Embryology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
History (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
History (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Human Resources Management (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
I |
Industrial and System Engineerings (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Industrial and Systems Engineering (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Interaction Design Program (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
International Business Administration (Master’s Program - German) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
International Relations (Master’s Program) (Thesis French) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
International Trade and Logistics Management (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
International Trade and Logistics Management (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
J |
Journalism (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
L |
lnstructional Technologies (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
Local Authorities and Governance (Master’s Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
M |
Management Information Systems (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Master's Program in Analytical Chemistry (Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Master's Program in Science in Quality Management (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Mathematics (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Mathematics (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Mechanical Engineering (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Mechanical Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Media and Communication Management (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Media Studies (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Medical Microbiology (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Medical Physics (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Modern Turkish Literature (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Molecular Medicine (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Molecular Medicine (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Myology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
N |
Neuroscience (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Nursing (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Nutrition and Dietetics (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
O |
Occupational Safety and Health (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Oral lmplantology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Orthodontics (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Orthodontics (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
P |
Pediatric Dentistry (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pedodontics (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Periodontology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Periodontology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Toxicology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Toxicology (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacoepidemiology (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmacognosy (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmacology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Philosophy (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Philosophy (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Physics (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Physiology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Physiology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Physiopathology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Physiotheraphy and Rehabilitation (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Phytotheraphy (Master's Program) (Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Plastic Arts (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Plastic Arts and Painting (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Political Science and International Relations (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Political Science and International Relations (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Private Law (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Private Law (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Prosthetic Dentistry (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Prosthetic Dentistry (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Public Health (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Public Law (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Public Law (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Public Relations and Publicity (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
R |
Radio, Television and Cinema (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Restorative Dentistry (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Restorative Dentistry (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
S |
Sociology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Sports Physiotheraphy (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Sustainable Energy (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Sustainable lnterior Studies (Master’s Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
T |
Theatre (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
U |
Urban Design and Landscape Architecture (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
V |
Visual Communication Design (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Accounting and Auditing (Master’s Program) (Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Accounting and Finance (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Agricultural Trade and Management (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Animation Design (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Anthropology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Anthropology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Architectural Studies (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Architecture (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Arts and Culture Management (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Atatürk's Principles and History of the Turkish Republic (Master's Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Atatürk Principles and Revolation History |
Biological Anthropology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Biomedical Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis / Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Biotechnology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Biotechnology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Business Administration (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Business Administration (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Chemical Engineering (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Chemical Engineering (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Civil Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Clinical Pharmacy (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Clinical Psychology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Cognitive Sciences (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Comparative Literature (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Computer Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Computer Science and Information Technologies (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Cosmetology (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Curriculum and Instruction (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
Curriculum and lnstruction (Master’s Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
Data Science (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Design and Innovation for Sustainable Food Systems (Master’s Program) (Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Doctoral Program in English Literature Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Drug and Cosmetic Production Technologies (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Economics (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Economics (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Educational Administration and Supervision (Master’s Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Endodontics (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Endodontics (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
English Language and Literature (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
English Language and Literature (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
English Language Education (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
English Language Education (Master’s Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
European Studies (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) European Studies Institute |
Executive Business Administration (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Financial Economics (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Financial Economics (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Gastronomy and Culinary Culture (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Graphic Design (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Graphic Design (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Guidance and Counseling (Master’s Program) (Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
Health Care Management (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Health Management in Emergency And Disasters (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Histology and Embryology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Histology and Embryology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
History (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
History (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Human Resources Management (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Industrial and System Engineerings (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Industrial and Systems Engineering (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Interaction Design Program (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
International Business Administration (Master’s Program - German) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
International Relations (Master’s Program) (Thesis French) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
International Trade and Logistics Management (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
International Trade and Logistics Management (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Journalism (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
lnstructional Technologies (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Educational Sciences |
Local Authorities and Governance (Master’s Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Management Information Systems (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Master's Program in Analytical Chemistry (Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Master's Program in Science in Quality Management (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Mathematics (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Mathematics (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Mechanical Engineering (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Mechanical Engineering (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Media and Communication Management (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Media Studies (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Medical Microbiology (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Medical Physics (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Modern Turkish Literature (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Molecular Medicine (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Molecular Medicine (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Myology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Neuroscience (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Nursing (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Nutrition and Dietetics (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Occupational Safety and Health (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Oral lmplantology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Orthodontics (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Orthodontics (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pediatric Dentistry (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pedodontics (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Periodontology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Periodontology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Toxicology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Toxicology (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacoepidemiology (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmacognosy (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Pharmacology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Philosophy (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Philosophy (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Physics (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Physiology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Physiology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Physiopathology (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Physiotheraphy and Rehabilitation (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Phytotheraphy (Master's Program) (Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Plastic Arts (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Plastic Arts and Painting (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Political Science and International Relations (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Political Science and International Relations (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Private Law (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Private Law (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Prosthetic Dentistry (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Prosthetic Dentistry (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Public Health (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Public Law (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Public Law (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Public Relations and Publicity (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Radio, Television and Cinema (Master's Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Restorative Dentistry (Doctoral Program) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Restorative Dentistry (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Sociology (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Sports Physiotheraphy (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Health Sciences |
Sustainable Energy (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Sustainable lnterior Studies (Master’s Program) (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Theatre (Master’s Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Urban Design and Landscape Architecture (Master’s Program) (Thesis-Non Thesis) Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Visual Communication Design (Master's Program) (Thesis) Graduate School of Social Sciences |