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3rd year students of department of Chemical Engineering, Sezin Sayın and Kaan Öztürk recevied encouragment awards with their papers presented at the 4th Pharmaceutical Chemistry Congress

Under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nihan ÇELEBİ ÖLÇÜM, 3rd year students of department of Chemical Engineering Sezin Sayın and Kaan Öztürk, who were working on a TUBITAK-funded project on the contemporary methodologies of designating natural proteins that could show catalytic activity in the extraction of Morita-Baylis-Hillman Reaction products showing anti-tumoral effect in the cervical cancer cells, received encouragement awards with their papers presented at the 4th Pharmaceutical Chemistry Congress: “Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Design, Synthesis, Production and Standardization”. Out of 104 presented papers, which comprised of many academics and industry workers’ papers, our students were honored with encouragement awards with their contributions to the congress.