Yeditepe University Brochure - 2023 - 2024

In the light of Atatürk’s thought, we aim to be the future of Turkey in social service areas such as research and development. In this direction, as the Information Centre, as Einstein said, we aim to learn the rules of the game first and then play better than anyone else. Thus, we always offer upto-date services by closely following all academic and technological developments. We learn and develop together with our students every day. Since we know that the most valuable resource is knowledge, we accompany all our students on their way to the right knowledge, help them not to get lost on the path of learning and to use their time in the most efficient way. Handan Çelik Information Centre Manager 49 505.077 TOTAL NUMBER OF BOOKS 353.654* Number of Electronic Books 151.423 Number of Printed Books 258.364 *Number of Single E-Books 114.941 TOTAL NUMBER OF PERIODICALS 113.043 Number of Electronic Periodicals 1.898 (47.647 issues) Number of Printed Periodicals 49 TOTAL NUMBER OF DATABASES