Yeditepe University Brochure - 2023 - 2024

Anthropology’s main focus is human. The individual, interactions between individuals as well as culture and cultural diversity in its widest definition are among the field’s anthropology studies. Connected to intellectual disciplines such as sociology, geography, history and linguistics, anthropology makes use of various methods provided by those disciplines. On the other hand, the tradition of anthropology has employed ethnographical methods that enabled the researchers to have in-depth knowledge about communities since the beginning and contributed to the development of the methods mentioned above. In this regard, the ability to use the ethnographical skills that are functional in researching not only the material foundations of the daily life, but also the semantic world of individuals and communities, can be named among the distinguishing features of an anthropologist. The Department of Anthropology has a distinguished academic team who has a strong theoretical knowledge in various fields of social sciences, anthropology being the primary field, as well as field experience. The distinguished team of academics aims to deliver the contemporary discussions and traditional approaches within the field of anthropology to their students and guide them in the field studies. 75% of our students are on a scholarship. Anthropology studies with theoretical studies and field research Research projects by students in their fields of interest 82 Anthropology