Yeditepe University Brochure - 2023 - 2024

142 Courses on Fundamental Information Technologies, Algorithm and System Analysis, Structural Programming (C Language) and Basic Mathematics as well as Computer Science and Introduction to Programming (Python) are provided alongside with macro and microeconomics. To provide qualifications in the field of software, courses such as ObjectOriented Programming (Java), basic and advanced database courses, software design patterns and fundamentals of web programming are provided. Courses such as software architecture to enable advanced level of software knowledge, scripting languages and advanced internet programming. Students will also be able to specialize even further with three field elective courses that they will be required to take. Aside from the electives in the third year, students can benefit from a variety of electives such as wireless networks and satellite technologies, operating systems, corporate resource systems and desktop publishing. Also, they can also take two free electives from the ones that the university provides. Graduation Project will enable our students to start their working life as well. A Wide Variety of Electives Among the field and free elective courses, there are courses on communication systems, scripting languages, programming of mobile devices, web programming, database management system, introduction to virtualization and cloud systems, ethical and human aspects of information technologies, 3D game design and expert systems. YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR Academic Education Year by Year Software Development