Yeditepe University Brochure - 2023 - 2024

Global economies require business graduates to have an international profile and therefore the transformation of classical business education to adapt to globalization. In line with this requirement, the International Business Management Department aims to educate individuals who can think multidisciplinary, start at the position closest to their dreams in global companies, are suitable for teamwork, have high awareness of responsibility and civil courage, adapt easily to today’s technology world and predict the future, develop and present distinctive, are entrepreneurs and confident and who can develop themselves. Distinguished graduates with the knowledge of German and English Students not knowing German start language education at Preparatory School and take C, B and A levels in order to study at our department, whose medium of instruction is German. Students who have sufficient knowledge of German language can start their academic education by submitting their proficiency certificates or taking our exams. From the second year, our students take English lessons for 4 semesters and 4 hours per week and graduate with knowledge of both English and German. 192 International Business Management (German) 57% of our students are on a scholarship. Double Diploma Agreement with FH KIEL University of Applied Sciences Distinguished graduates with the knowledge of German and English