Yeditepe University Brochure - 2023 - 2024

190 Students who take the Fundamentals of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics courses are introduced to the science of economics. They also gain an interdisciplinary approach in economics with Mathematics, Accounting, Introduction to Business and Introduction to Law courses. In addition, applied laboratory courses in Statistical Package Programming and Data Compilation are offered in the first year to introduce students to the field of data science. Students are exposed to more advanced applications of Macroeconomics and Microeconomics and learn how to collect, handle, compile and interpret data in economics by taking Statistics and Advanced Statistical Applications courses. By taking economics courses such as Public Finance, Money and Capital Markets and Mathematical Economics, they learn different aspects of economics in their fields. Monetary Economics, Introduction to International Economics, Growth Economics and International Political Economy. They also learn about the origins of economics and the philosophy behind it through the History of Economic Thought course. With the Sustainable Development course, they develop their ability to recognise the current main resource problem of economics and to produce solutions. In the Econometrics course, which is the application of statistical methods to economic variables, students learn the data collection procedures they learned in the 2nd year and gain the skills to make more detailed analyses. In Turkish Economy course, students apply and discuss the theoretical knowledge they have learnt in previous years. In the Graduation Project course, which is offered for students to improve their ability to express their thoughts and knowledge in their career paths, students develop their skills in researching a topic related to economics with the department lecturers, writing a project and making a presentation in front of a jury at the end of the course. In addition, during this academic year, students are expected to work as interns in an institution of their own choice or under the guidance of our department internship coordinator. Academic Trainings Year by Year YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR Economics