Faculty of Engineering 2020

'SQFMRMRK XLI FEWMG WGMIRGI ERH IRKMRIIVMRK ETTPMGEXMSRW 1EXIVMEPW 7GMIRGI ERH Nanotechnology Engineering covers the design, development, production and adaptation of metal, ceramic and polymer-based engineering materials and nano materials that are inorganic or organic, to the technical requirements of specific fields of industry. 8LI (ITEVXQIRX SJ 1EXIVMEPW 7GMIRGI ERH 2ERSXIGLRSPSK] )RKMRIIVMRK EW ER interdisciplinary field, has a close relationship with all fields of engineering, biomedical and biotechnology, dentistry and medicine. 7XYHIRXW MR SYV HITEVXQIRX XEOI XLI RIGIWWEV] VIWTSRWMFMPMXMIW [MXL XLIMV laboratory studies and report and present their results. Research-oriented courses provide guidance on how to access information. By organizing technical trips in different fields, our students are gained different perspectives and visions. With its laboratories equipped with the state-of-the-art technology, our department provides us to practice everything we have learned theoretically as well as the best possible engineering education with its contemporary and extensive curriculum. Thanks to our distinguished academics, during my education, I was able to connect with the leading companies of the field and learn about the industry first-hand in various sessions. Also, by joining the Business Administration Concentration Program, I gained the basic knowledge regarding the business administration. Apart from all of the above, I was able to develop myself even further with the professional development courses that took place within the semester. In the first two years of education, basic sciences and basic engineering courses, which are indispensable for engineering education, are given which then integrate with the courses offered in the following years and form the backbone of our department curriculum. All programs of the Faculty of Engineering include area-specific elective courses and social sciences courses in order to specialize in accordance with the student’s interests, talent and personal development. Availability of Master’s programs, vast facilities offered by training and research laboratories, conversion of qualified scientific studies of our faculty members into product-oriented projects and patents, their reflections on graduate studies, and the international success of our graduates are other proofs of the scientific competence of Yeditepe University, Faculty of Engineering. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING Prof. Dr. Ahmet Arif Ergin Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Fatma Beray Akyüzlü 4 th =IEV 7XYHIRX (ITEVXQIRX SJ *SSH )RKMRIIVMRK