Faculty of Education 2020

ABOUT =)(ˢ8)4) UNIVERSITY ,EZMRK FIIR JSYRHIH MR F] ˢWXERFYP )˓MXMQ ZI /ʳPXʳV :EOJ ˢ78)/ Ɓ -WXERFYP )HYGEXMSREP ERH 'YPXYVEP Foundation), Yeditepe University, in line with Ataturk’s principles, with its pioneering and distinguished academic and administrative staff, aims to raise young people that are modern, inquisitive, equipped with all the qualifications that are needed in business world and all the technological skills necessary, well-versed in different cultures and personally well developed. With its contemporary academic programs and applications, our University offers an education that is necessary for people of the age of information. Providing its students with an education that is focused on the age of information with its contemporary academic programs and applications, Yeditepe University continues to educate its students at 13 Faculties , namely Dentistry, Pharmacy, Education, %VXW ERH 7GMIRGIW *MRI %VXW 0E[ )GSRSQMGW ERH %HQMRMWXVEXMZI 7GMIRGIW 'SQQYRMGEXMSR %VGLMXIGXYVI )RKMRIIVMRK ,IEPXL 7GMIRGIW 1IHMGEP ERH 'SQQIVGMEP 7GMIRGIW 2 Schools and 1 Vocational School entailing 77 undergraduate and 4 associate degree programs. Also, postgraduate education is conducted in 1EWXIVƅW (IKVII TVSKVEQW ERH (SGXSVEP (IKVII TVSKVEQW within the body of graduate schools of Atatürk’s Principles and 6IZSPYXMSR ,MWXSV] )YVSTIER 7XYHMIW )HYGEXMSREP 7GMIRGIW ,IEPXL 7GMIRGIW 2EXYVEP %TTPMIH 7GMIRGIW ERH 7SGMEP 7GMIRGIW Yeditepe University, of which medium of instruction is English, prepares the youth from all over Turkey for their future in 26 %˓YWXSW 'EQTYW WMRGI XLI HE] MX [EW JSYRHIH Being a dynamic body of higher education, Yeditepe University continues to grow by developing itself every year. The main goal of our university is to increase the quality of education, to produce science for society, to spread its activities to other parts of the community by providing more scientific contributions to the society through university – industry collaborations. In addition, as an academic institution, we also aim to continue working in scientific studies, to increase the number of foreign agreements and number of patents and provide the country with more qualified graduates. 'SRXMRYMRK MXW EGEHIQMG EGXMZMXMIW MR E [MHI ZEVMIX] SJ JMIPHW [MXL MXW *EGYPXMIW 7GLSSPW ERH :SGEXMSREP 7GLSSP =IHMXITI University also provides an education that in in line with the necessities of the developing world by its double major, minor and studying abroad opportunities. Apart from the academic life, Yeditepe provides an opportunity for self-development to its students with 52 student clubs organizing over 1000 events per year. With its continuing events MR HMJJIVIRX WTSVXW FVERGLIW =IHMXITI EPWS TVSZMHIW TIVWSREP development opportunities in sport.