Faculty of Commercial Sciences 2020

8LI VETMH HIZIPSTQIRX MR GSQTYXIV XIGLRSPSK] GVIEXIW [SVO WTEGI for experts who are able to adapt to the unpredictable commercial ERH EHQMRMWXVEXMZI VIUYMVIQIRXW JSV XLI ]IEVW JVSQ RS[ MRGPYHMRK science and social sciences equally; and who speak a foreign language and are trained in an interdisciplinary approach in business and informatics. 8LI (ITEVXQIRX SJ 1EREKIQIRX -RJSVQEXMSR 7]WXIQW EMQW XS train professionals who have a broad and high level knowledge to follow innovations in management and computer sciences, in order to benefit from the technological developments that affect all industries directly and rapidly, as well as adapting the hardware and software support that is necessary for such developments to their companies. In the four years that I have spent in the department of Information Systems and 8IGLRSPSKMIW [LMGL [EW Q] JMVWX GLSMGI EJXIV XLI YRMZIVWMX] I\EQW - KEMRIH E PSX SJ I\TIVMIRGI FSXL EGEHIQMGEPP] ERH VIKEVHMRK XLI VIEP PMJI 8LI TVMQEV] VIEWSR SJ these amazing years was that in this department, which allows you to work both MR SYV GSYRXV] ERH EFVSEH XLIVI EVI JMIPHW WYGL EW 1EREKIQIRX ) 'SQQIVGI %GGSYRXMRK ERH )GSRSQMGW EW [IPP EW JMIPHW WYGL EW 7SJX[EVI (IZIPSTQIRX Database Systems, Web Design and Information Security. I was able to include QERHEXSV] WYQQIV MRXIVRWLMTW ERH SRI ZSPYRXEV] PSRK XIVQ MRXIVRWLMT QYPXMTPI social activities, conferences and solid friendships into my life at Yeditepe. Apart from XLEX XLEROW XS Q] LMKL +4% - [EW EFPI XS LEZI E HSYFPI QENSV MR -RXIVREXMSREP 8VEHI ERH Management department. We were able to attend many certified training programs thanks to our academics and we all have great resumés even before graduation! 8LI H]REQMGW SJ XSHE]ƅW FYWMRIWW [SVPH YRHIVKS E VETMH GLERKI ERH IZSPYXMSR globally. We all encounter the unprecedented pace of the developments that are happening within the business administration ecosystem. Within the process of the adaptation of our country’s companies to these changes and evolution, as the Faculty of Commercial Sciences, we closely follow the integration of subjects such as new business models, innovation, information technologies, digitalization and supply chains into the trade activities, and we continue to update our curriculum with the latest developments as well as widening our course spectrum. We not only support our program content on the theoretical basis, but also industrial collaborations, internships and laboratory courses that include modular systems, focused on the application. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION 7=78)17 4VSJ (V 6JEX /EQẺEO Dean of the Faculty of Commercial Sciences &ʳ̉VE +I]MO XL =IEV 7XYHIRX (ITEVXQIRX SJ -RJSVQEXMSR 7]WXIQW ERH 8IGLRSPSKMIW